Programs and files

LiveConfig Client

The LiveConfig client is usually installed at /usr/sbin/lcclient. The following command line options are accepted:


activate a LiveConfig license, see Lizenzaktivierung

-c FILE, --config=FILE

use configuration file FILE, see Konfigurationsdatei


run some diagnostic/self-test functions (might be required for support requests)

-f, --foreground

run LiveConfig Client in foreground

-h, --help

show list of available command line arguments

-k <command>

control the LiveConfig Client process:


start LiveConfig Client


immediately stop LiveConfig Client


reload configuration

--status, -s

show status of the running LiveConfig Client process

-v, --version

show version number of LiveConfig Client


LiveConfig also installs a number of small utilities, which are described in this section. In most cases you will not run these tools directly, you might only find them in the process list.


The tool lclogparse is used internally by LiveConfig for realtime analysis of log files (e.g. e-mail statistics).


With lclogsplit the web server access logs are split in realtime for each customer. If both Apache httpd and NGINX are managed by LiveConfig, this tool also cares for merging the access log from both sources.

If only Apache httpd is managed by LiveConfig, the lclogsplit tool is started by Apache using a CustomLog directive. If NGINX is managed by LiveConfig, another instance is started separately by systemd.

The mapping of domain names and log files is configured by LiveConfig through /etc/apache2/


lclua is an interpreter for Lua scripts. This program contains all LiveConfig-specific libraries and extensions, so that Lua scripts can be executed like the LiveConfig client does internally. lclua is usually only required for the development and testing of Lua scripts for LiveConfig.

See also Lua-API.